We’re gearing up to launch the Red Wave app, aimed at supporting the general election process here in the UK. It’s set to go live one week before the local UK elections this May. Our goal with Red Wave is straightforward: to offer a tool that makes it easier for everyone involved in the elections, from candidates to local activists, to share and access vital information.

Join the Red Wave beta (iOS only)

As much as we’re keen to get this tool in your hands, we’re also focused on making sure it works as smoothly as possible. This means we’re in the stage where catching any issues early and fixing them is crucial. We’re inviting general election candidates, local party activists, and anyone actively involved in the electoral process to start using the app. Your insights on events, canvassing efforts, and policy changes are invaluable.

We’re particularly interested in promoting the work of local councillors and those standing for positions like “police and crime commissioners”. Your participation could make a significant difference in how effectively we can support election activities.

To make communication as easy as possible, we’ve integrated several popular messaging apps into Red Wave. If you have feedback, suggestions, or anything you’d like to report, please use these tools to get in touch.

While we’re genuinely optimistic about what Red Wave can achieve, we’re also realistic about the challenges of launching a new app. Your feedback will be essential to our success. We’re looking forward to making Red Wave a valuable asset for the UK’s electoral process, with your help.

Join the beta: https://testflight.apple.com/join/iis8CYKT

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